Tag Archives: pessimism

Eeyore or Pollyanna


Goodbye Eeyore, Hello Pollyanna

Though I’m naturally an optimistic person, sometimes I react in negative ways to someone who wants to bring change into my life. Instead of embracing the excitement of doing something new or in a different way than what I may be used to, I jump right to “but what if?” It’s like a splash of icy water in someone’s face when I respond negatively to their anticipation.

In the spirit of trying new things, I’m going to let go of negativity. It won’t be easy. I don’t always realize what I sound like. But I can usually tell by the expression on the face of the person I just spewed on.

I’ve been accused of being a Pollyanna (refer to old Disney movie of same name). She always looked for the silver lining in any situation, loved everyone no matter what class of person they were, and her unconditional love transformed a grumpy aunt into a loving, giving woman. Now there is the power of love! (Huey Lewis song reference) I guess I’d rather be a Pollyanna than an Eeyore (refer to A.A. Milne’s donkey of Winnie-the-Pooh fame). As beloved as Eeyore is, he has serious depression issues. Only Winnie’s love-him-at-all-costs attitude brings Eeyore any semblance of normalcy. You see, we all need our Pollyannas and Winnie-the-Poohs. Winnie and Polly light up their worlds with their positive view of life.

I think the opposite of being negative in every response and reaction isn’t being positive. I think the antithesis of negativity is joy! The Psalmist said, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” (Psalms 51:12).

There are some days I can’t seem to choose joy. Those days when life is hard, love seems far away, news is tough to hear…those days I can only pray for the joy of the Lord to fill me. I have to decide to react with love and joy but I can’t give out what I don’t have inside me to give. So I pray daily for the joy of the Lord to fill me and the love of Christ to shine through me. (Psalm 4:6-7 – “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.”)

If I’ve spewed on you in the past, please forgive me. If I’ve responded to your new ideas or good news with harsh words or negative emotions, please forgive me.  Today I will choose to give up my negativity and embrace joy!